Youth, Mentees, Programs & Organizations

teen Mental Health First Aid

teen Mental Health First Aid (tMHFA) teaches teens in grades 9-12, or ages 14-18, how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges in their friends and peers.


  • Common signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use challenges.
  • Common signs and symptoms of a mental health crisis, particularly suicide.
  • The impact of school violence and bullying on mental health.
  • How to open the conversation about mental illnesses and substance use with friends.
  • How to seek the help of a responsible and trusted adult.


  • In-person - Lessons are conducted in-person in six 45-minute sessions.
  • Virtual - Lessons are conducted in-person in three 90-minute sessions.
  • Blended - Teens complete a self-paced online lesson, then participate in six live, Instructor-led sessions.  These sessions can be via video conference or in-person classes.

    Organizations are responsible for purchasing the teen manuals that youth will need to complete the course.

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