
Stay Social

Let's Do This

Look for small ways to stay connected this week. Check in on a friend or a young person in your life, plan a virtual catch-up or invite someone to join you in an activity like a walk or coffee chat. Building partnerships starts with simple, consistent actions to show you care.

Stay Inspired

During the winter months, it can be tough to stay social due to cold weather, winter blues and holiday stress. But this is when social connection matters most! Isolation affects people of all ages—youth, adults and seniors. Research shows that young people who connect with caring adults foster stronger bonds with their peers and communities. By showing up, you’re helping to build a foundation for a more connected and resilient world.

This week's EM tip was provided by MENTOR. For more information, read the full article here.

MENTOR. (2023). Mentoring and loneliness/isolation research summary. Retrieved from