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Providing Homework Help

Let's Do This

Heading back to school can come with a lot of changes -- including settling into new routines that oftentimes include homework!  As a caring adult, it’s normal to want to help the young people in your life succeed. But when it comes to homework, sometimes you might question how much help you should be providing.  

Amy McCready, Founder of Positive Parenting Solutions, shared several tips on how to help children when it comes to homework:

  • Establish a homework routine – set a time when children know you are available
  • Allow independence to foster by acting as a coach instead of overseeing the process
  • If you see a wrong answer, ask how they got to their answer instead of pointing out a mistake
  • If they need additional help, refer to an online platform like Khan Academy
Stay Inspired

Want to help the young people you know approach homework with a positive mindset? Check out KDKA’s Video with Amy McCready