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Celebrating a Legacy of Service All Year Long

Let's Do This

While Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service was yesterday, it's important to honor his legacy through acts of service all year long.  Check out these tips from Embrace Race

  • Watch this video of 15-year old Yolanda Renee King, MLK Jr’s granddaughter, and discuss with kids. She says her grandfather "created a blueprint, but we have to do the work.” Ask your kids what she means by that? What’s “the work” and what might it look like in practice?
  • Read a book together about someone encountering and responding to injustice. Ask open-ended questions about the story. Consider what the people depicted might be thinking, feeling, wondering. Ask children what they might think/feel in those circumstances.
  • Create a mini hero wall. Ask your family or community to gather and talk about someone they admire who’s working for good  - a teacher, neighbor, friend, family member or someone else. Ask each of them to come prepared with a photo or drawing of their hero to tape up on a hero wall.
  • Write letters and/or draw pictures to send to people and organizations doing justice work you admire. They could use encouragement and support to continue the work.

Stay Inspired

"Everybody can be great because everybody can serve."

– Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.