Moving Forward After a Divisive Presidential Election


Like many of you, we have seen the impact this year's divisive presidential campaign has had on youth in our community.  We know the election has raised many questions and concerns...not just for youth, but also for the adults who support them.

We wanted to take a minute to remind you that we're proud to be your partner in providing a protective voice and a nurturing environment for the youth in our region.  We are looking forward and we remain dedicated to our valuable and life-changing work in the youth mentoring field.

We know that mentoring is an effective strategy to expand horizons, improve academic achievement and build on-ramps to careers for all young people. Throughout our 21-year history, U.S. presidential administrations have come and gone, but the quiet and powerful work of mentoring has woven a thread of measurable impact--in Southwestern PA and across the nation.

Mentoring breaks down barriers, broadens perspectives and creates a level of unity that brings our diverse communities together around the shared human experience. Mentoring continues to be a path forward for our youth, for our mentors and for our nation.

And now, as much as ever, we thank you for being a part of the mentoring movement. You can and will make a difference by continuing to champion mentoring and the importance of a steady, positive influence in a child's life.  We encourage you to invite your friends and colleagues to join in as well.  We're excited to continue to move forward together!

Teaching Tolerance

Click here for some amazing resources from Teaching Tolerance, including information on religious diversity, countering bias, immigration, civic activities and more.

You can also sign up to receive our Everyday Mentoring Weekly Tips to learn more about topics like encouraging productive conversations and managing emotions.